Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Sad Day Today

Mama Dobson, "Nink Nink" passed away this morning at 10 am. Her entire family is very close to ours. Adam grew up with Alan, her grandson. Miss Diane (her daughter) keeps Andrew for us. All wonderful people, and practically family- we keep them in our prayers today. Nink Nink was a special lady and touched a lot of lives... even in her death I think her life will still touch a lot of lives. I know she has touched mine.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Settling In...

Well everyone's getting more settled in with the new puppy. We're working on training him (house breaking, no jumping...) it's going okay. He stayed in his crate yesterday for the first time all day while we were gone... he was tearing up the bathroom door so we decided to get him started in staying in his crate all day. Monday was his first day, and I came home at lunch to check on him and take him out. Unfortunately I cannot do that every day, working in Macon and living in WR, but I hauld butt home Monday since it was the first day. But yesterday all day he did just fine! So it looks like that's going to work for us... now it's the house breaking part of it... he keeps going on the floor! But only in the rooms with carpet (when he can get in them). I usually close them off... but if he has to go and gets in there... yeah. Like this morning I took him out at 6, then he ate breakfast. I was getting ready to take him out at 6:45 before we left, and he used my floor as I was getting my shoes on! So we're working on that. But I said to myself better on the floor so I can clean it up now then in his crate later today while no one is there. He'll only go in his crate if he can't hold it any longer... Monday he didn't poop when I took him out at 6:45 (after he ate) so he did go in his crate (luckily I came home for lunch). But yesterday he went at 6 and 6:45 and didn't go in his crate... today he went at 6 outside and at 6:45 on my floor... so he should be okay for the day! lol We're working on it... he's 3 months old now, so he'll be getting better at holding it in, and also hopefully we'll be able to teach him to only do it when we take him outside!!! Oh the loveliness of house training. :o)