Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our House

Here are some pictures of our house! We'd like to add another room off the dining room...

Curtain Tip: When you can't afford drapes right away, just buy several long/wide curtains (Kmart) to put across larger windows or doors- get enough so that they gather well and don't look like seperate curtains. Our house came with expensive (but ugly) valances above the windows that would have been a pain in the you know where to take down... so I just covered them up with a scarve curtain (Kmart). To hang them I used pearl ball ended sewing pins that I spaced evenly apart for an "elegant" look. You can't really see it in these pictures, unfortunately. But in the end it looked a lot better than what was up there before!

Living Room: before we moved in (ugly pink curtains...)

Living Room: as we're moving in (ugly curtains again)

Living Room: After we're all moved in! (Ah... no ugly curtains.)

Back Deck

Moving Day! (That Window is what I want to knock out, turn into a door, and add a room!) Yes, that's my backside... woo hoo... lol

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